Where Peace Is Lost to Conflict

Where Peace Is Lost to Conflict

Where peace is lost to conflict, how can we find it? Drawing inspiration for conflict transformation from science fiction. I often find science fiction novels thought provoking and inspiring. The ones I love most offer a hopeful vision of a better universe, and often...
The Value of Venting

The Value of Venting

When someone or something hurts or angers you, is there a value in venting? Some social scientists and conflict management experts think venting is counterproductive, entrenching anger and resentment. However, in my own experience, venting can be valuable as long as...
Changing Hearts, Minds, and Behavior around Conflict

Changing Hearts, Minds, and Behavior around Conflict

Before I start teaching a course or workshop about conflict management, I always tell my students that I have a modest goal for the class: to change their hearts, minds, and behaviors. We all laugh, because of course that isn’t really a modest goal; in fact, it’s a...
The Power of Story to Shift Conflict

The Power of Story to Shift Conflict

The power of story to shift  conflict. The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. — Muriel Rukeyser Understanding your story about a conflict, and how to shift and open up that story, is a powerful force for good in the conflict management work I do with...
Healing our Divisions in Troubled Times

Healing our Divisions in Troubled Times

How can we heal the deep divisions in our country? How do we talk to each other with compassion and empathy across our differences? My blog, which I have been writing for eleven years this month (!) is one small place to start. I confess I am deeply grateful and...