by Lorraine Segal | Sep 16, 2024
How to Make Every Mistake in a Conflict I read a letter in Dear Abby the other day which demonstrated a lot of the basic mistakes people make in a conflict. This one was about family dynamics, but the analysis and solution apply to many workplace situations as well....
by Lorraine Segal | Aug 19, 2024
Use your super power to transform conflict. When you envision a super power, what comes to mind first? My wonderful niece, who loves science fiction and fantasy just as much as I do, pointed out to me that the superpowers featured in movies and comics are frequently...
by Lorraine Segal | Jul 15, 2024
How To Transform Conflict at Work: One Example I just got concrete confirmation that the training and coaching I do to help leaders and others manage conflict more effectively actually works! Last year, I created a 10 hour five session training program for the staff...
by Lorraine Segal | Jun 17, 2024
Us versus Them “We have met the enemy and they are us.”—paraphrased from Walt Kelly in the Pogo comic strip. How inclusive is your “us”? And how can you expand it? I write a lot about the power of the stories we tell about ourselves and others to exacerbate or heal...
by Lorraine Segal | May 20, 2024
Is there an elephant in your meeting room? If so, it may be fueling conflict and blocking solutions to problems. You might have heard the term “the elephant in the room”, which refers to a situation or crisis that everyone knows is there but are afraid or reluctant...