Managing a Resentment Relapse at Work

Managing a Resentment Relapse at Work

      A client of mine had a resentment relapse recently. I had worked with her over a period of months, to help her deal with a very problematic and conflicted relationship with her manager. She had started out with a lot of resentment and anger...
Conflict at Work—the Power of Envisioning Harmony

Conflict at Work—the Power of Envisioning Harmony

A powerful tool for healing and transforming conflict at work is affirming and envisioning harmony. One of the ways I support clients to resolve conflict is helping them re-imagine what is possible. Our stories have power and we can all get trapped by the stories we...
Managing Conflict with your Inner Critic

Managing Conflict with your Inner Critic

      Many of us have a vocal inner critic, who tells us what we’re doing wrong, how what we’re trying won’t work, Many of us have a vocal inner critic, who tells us what we’re doing wrong, how what we’re trying won’t...
Setting Boundaries with a Workplace Bully

Setting Boundaries with a Workplace Bully

Whether the bully is your boss or another employee, setting boundaries can be challenging. But deference to a supervisor or professional respect for a colleague, are different from accepting persistent unprofessional, disrespectful, or abusive behavior that impinges...
When Your Boss Is A Bully

When Your Boss Is A Bully

I have unfortunately worked for more than one boss who was a bully. And since I started teaching, coaching, and consulting with individuals and organizations around bullying and mobbing behaviors, I’ve heard stories about many more. I recently did some consulting at a...
Inner Tools to Survive Workplace Bullying (part 2)

Inner Tools to Survive Workplace Bullying (part 2)

    Letting go of resentments is a fourth powerful tool to help you survive and heal from workplace bullying. In my last blog post I wrote about three valuable inner tools I used myself and have since shared with clients and trainees. These are: 1) affirming...
Inner Tools to Survive Workplace Bullying (part 1)

Inner Tools to Survive Workplace Bullying (part 1)

Those of us who have survived workplace bullying or mobbing (bullying by a group) know how awful and traumatizing it is. In my experience as a survivor and a coach & trainer, accessing inner tools can be immensely helpful to avoid the worst of the emotional impact...
Your rules/their rules in conflict management

Your rules/their rules in conflict management

 The zen of the gym part 3       Do you judge people for breaking a rule you always follow? I realized recently that I was obliviously violating one of the rules posted at my gym, while burningly conscious of the rules other people were ignoring. I know...