by Lorraine Segal | Jul 13, 2019
The Platinum Rule is better than the Golden Rule at work, because not everyone is the same. Golden rule vs. Platinum rule We’ve all heard the Golden Rule, Treat others the way you want to be treated. Sounds good, right? Be kind, treat people well. What could go wrong...
by Lorraine Segal | Jun 16, 2019
“Catch and Release”–a concept that can help us navigate conflict better. I heard someone at a community meeting use the term “catch and release” to describe how they turn their own thoughts from negative to positive. It struck me immediately that...
by Lorraine Segal | May 18, 2019
Although you can’t control the outcome of a difficult conversation or meeting at work, you can take inner action to support an effective conversation and a good outcome. A brand new coaching of client of mine was facing a difficult workplace meeting before we could...
by Lorraine Segal | Apr 13, 2019
Conflict debts at work are hard to pay down It is natural and human to want to avoid or dodge conflict at work or anywhere, but relying too heavily on avoidance can create a “conflict debt” that is very hard to “pay down.” In Liane Davey’s excellent article, “ An...
by Lorraine Segal | Mar 16, 2019
Conflict in businesses and organizations can show up in at least three different ways. Recently, I was called in to consult with the board of a volunteer service organization experiencing some serious problems with internal conflict. As in many organizations, they...