by Lorraine Segal | Feb 17, 2024
Where peace is lost to conflict, how can we find it? Drawing inspiration for conflict transformation from science fiction. I often find science fiction novels thought provoking and inspiring. The ones I love most offer a hopeful vision of a better universe, and often...
by Lorraine Segal | Jan 15, 2024
Trigger stacking and conflict. A series of emotional triggers can set off even the most centered person! The role of emotional triggers in conflict. I have frequently taught about and coached people through emotional triggers, also called hot buttons. When something...
by Lorraine Segal | Dec 18, 2023
Cooperation not Violence in the Real Lord of the Flies Lord of The Flies Like me, you might have read Lord of the Flies by William Golding when you were young. It is a grim story of a group of British schoolboys marooned on a deserted island after a plane crash who...
by Lorraine Segal | Nov 20, 2023
Mobbing and the Tallest Poppy: How Women’s Achievements at Work Are Cut Down. One crucial part of transforming conflict to harmony at work is addressing workplace mobbing and bullying. I myself experienced mobbing when I was a tenured faculty member at a community...
by Lorraine Segal | Oct 16, 2023
Forgive without apology Is an apology necessary before you can forgive someone? Absolutely not. Of course, forgiveness is a decision that only you can make for yourself, at a time you are ready, but, despite what you may have heard, there is no rule that says...