The Power of the Past in Workplace Conflict

Is it more helpful to remember or forget past workplace conflict? The famous line from George Santayana, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” tells us remembering is crucial. But in the current issue of Conflict Resolution Quarterly,...

Workplace Conflict and the Inner Teenager

Ever felt like you or your coworkers or bosses were acting or talking like difficult teenagers? You know what I mean, the sullen shrug, the denial, the endless willingness to argue, the sudden fits of temper? This kind of energy can be challenging and frustrating to...

Chasing Institutional Gratification at Work

We all enjoy recognition from our peers and supervisors, and in an ideal workplace we’d be appreciated for each accomplishment. But, if our only source of work satisfaction is professional awards, we could be setting ourselves up for resentment, conflict, and...

Computer Engineer Barbie and Workplace Gender Conflict

Computer Engineer Barbie just arrived with lots of publicity, but does this signify the end of gender conflict and discrimination at work? True, Barbie has come a long way since she was programmed in 1992 to say “Math class is tough”, starting a firestorm of protest...

The Fun Theory and Workplace Motivation

Can fun be an effective motivator at work? It might, according to a recent psychology study reported by David DiSalvo. In the study, researchers first assessed participants as high or low achievers and then gave them a series of 5 computerized tests. Their computers...