by LorraineSegal | Sep 22, 2015
I confess that I have had a love-hate relationship with feedback. In my teaching and coaching, I am passionately committed to improving and growing. And, I always want to be a good spouse, friend, and colleague as well. Intellectually, I understand that getting...
by LorraineSegal | Aug 18, 2015
What would you do if someone secretly took grapes from your garden? Would you get mad? Feel like a victim? Blame the neighbors and call them thieves? Put up a fence to protect your property? Post angry warning signs? All of those are common understandable responses,...
by LorraineSegal | Jul 15, 2015
photo credit: via photopin (license) I had a short lived fight with my wife, Linda, recently that I actually feel good about, because it shows the positive results of my ( and her) long hard work on forgiveness. The situation: It was Wednesday, when my wife does the...
by LorraineSegal | Jun 15, 2015
=Can you forgive and accept the whole world? Several months ago, I began a daily practice of using affirmations from a Course in Miracles workbook. One of the affirmations was, “I forgive the world.” When I read this, tears came to my eyes and I felt deep relief. I...
by LorraineSegal | Apr 5, 2015
Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.–Ralph Waldo Emerson We have a choice Perhaps my biggest learning on my own journey to healing and recovery is that I have a choice at any moment, to continue to stand in a...