How Yes/And Defuses Workplace Conflict

How Yes/And Defuses Workplace Conflict

    So many conflicts at work and everywhere expand and linger because people believe there is only one right answer or one way to see or do things. If instead of seeing the world in narrow extremes of right/wrong either/or etc., you can shift to yes/and,...
Divine Listening and Managing Conflict

Divine Listening and Managing Conflict

  Divine Listening.  I heard the term divine listening recently and thought it applied really well to managing conflict. Beyond compassionate listening or listening to understand,  divine listening incorporates even more. To me it means listening as if you are...
The Sun, the Wind, and Positive Change in the Workplace

The Sun, the Wind, and Positive Change in the Workplace

In the classic folk tale, the Sun and the Wind each believe they are more powerful. They attempt to prove it by betting that they will be able to make a man take off his coat. First, the Wind blows harder and harder. But the more strongly the wind blows, the more...
The Seductiveness of Being Right

The Seductiveness of Being Right

The desire to be right is deeply seductive and understandable, but it can cause a lot of problems at work. If you’re feeling criticized, challenged or accused, it is immensely tempting to defend yourself and attempt to prove you are right. Unfortunately, this is...
Reaching Out for Each Others’ Hands

Reaching Out for Each Others’ Hands

In the face of tragedy and loss. When experiencing tragedy, shock, loss, and fear, words of reassurance  and love are definitely important. But sometimes in the face of powerlessness and deep grief, touch offers the most comfort. I read an article recently in the...