by Lorraine Segal | Oct 19, 2016
One of the sources of unresolved conflict at work and elsewhere can be unconscious (or conscious) bias and prejudice. But instead of reacting, you can choose to respond and communicate. A few years ago, I unexpectedly encountered anti-Semitism at a business networking...
by LorraineSegal | Aug 15, 2016
When disagreements at work are unresolved, one of the unfortunate outcomes can be long lasting workplace feuds. These can simmer and fester for years, infecting a whole workplace with negativity and keeping everyone stuck. I got to see a perfect example of a...
by LorraineSegal | Jul 16, 2016
Hope and despair in the landscape of today. It is challenging to hold on to a hope of peaceful coexistence, harmony, and positive conflict resolution in light of all the mass shootings, terrorist attacks against social services people, children, LGBT people, Moslems,...
by LorraineSegal | May 19, 2016
One of the most common illusions that new coaching clients have is that by working with me they can somehow find tricks or techniques to convince the other person to think and behave differently. It doesn’t matter whether they are having conflicts and problems with...
by LorraineSegal | Apr 20, 2016
I have belonged to the same gym for over 20 years. I primarily use the weight training machines, a bench, and the treadmills in the upstairs room with occasional classes downstairs. I used to get into small verbal arguments with other members using the machines,...
by LorraineSegal | Mar 16, 2016
The Path of Love in Conflict Management Love isn’t often talked about in most workplaces. And when an organization is looking for someone to help them with persistent conflict or antagonistic patterns of interaction between people at work, the need for love isn’t...
by LorraineSegal | Feb 16, 2016
What can bad art teach us about successful relationships in the workplace? One of the big issues that creates conflict at work and interfers with harmonious relationships, is many people’s inability to acknowledge their own mistakes. I confess that perfectionism is...
by LorraineSegal | Jan 18, 2016
Shoulds and expectations are a big source of conflict. If we have a clear, though completely unrealistic expectation of how the other person should behave, or what should happen, we can get ourselves in all kinds of trouble when they don’t follow our “script.” For...
by LorraineSegal | Dec 15, 2015
Do you ever find yourself acting (out) like your five or fifteen year old self? If so you may be affected by revertigo! Revertigo is the act of reverting to old patterns of behavior when around family or others from your past. I unexpectedly came across the...
by LorraineSegal | Nov 18, 2015
Misunderstandings, resentments, and differences can fuel conflicts in the workplace or any place. But the longer I work to understand and heal my own resentments and conflicts, and the more I work with individuals and organizations that need help with communication...