by LorraineSegal | Oct 16, 2015
A lot of people cringe when they even hear the word “conflict”, especially at their workplaces. But the truth is, conflict is a natural part of human interactions, and it won’t go away even if you close your eyes and wish really hard! The good news: There are...
by LorraineSegal | Sep 22, 2015
I confess that I have had a love-hate relationship with feedback. In my teaching and coaching, I am passionately committed to improving and growing. And, I always want to be a good spouse, friend, and colleague as well. Intellectually, I understand that getting...
by LorraineSegal | Aug 18, 2015
What would you do if someone secretly took grapes from your garden? Would you get mad? Feel like a victim? Blame the neighbors and call them thieves? Put up a fence to protect your property? Post angry warning signs? All of those are common understandable responses,...
by LorraineSegal | Jul 15, 2015
photo credit: via photopin (license) I had a short lived fight with my wife, Linda, recently that I actually feel good about, because it shows the positive results of my ( and her) long hard work on forgiveness. The situation: It was Wednesday, when my wife does the...
by LorraineSegal | Jun 15, 2015
=Can you forgive and accept the whole world? Several months ago, I began a daily practice of using affirmations from a Course in Miracles workbook. One of the affirmations was, “I forgive the world.” When I read this, tears came to my eyes and I felt deep relief. I...
by LorraineSegal | Apr 5, 2015
Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.–Ralph Waldo Emerson We have a choice Perhaps my biggest learning on my own journey to healing and recovery is that I have a choice at any moment, to continue to stand in a...
by LorraineSegal | Feb 12, 2015
Looking back, my needs around money have always been met. But it didn’t feel that way to me at all. I bounced between vagueness, avoiding concrete information or action about money, and terror, that I would be destitute and never have enough. Ten years ago, I...
by LorraineSegal | Oct 14, 2014
Is talking about money scary, triggering, or confusing? Do you worry that there is never enough? Issues around Money can be big emotional triggers for many of us. As a communication and letting go expert, I help clients with a number of other issues as well, but for...
by LorraineSegal | Jun 9, 2014
Here is the link to my new short (30min.) webinar on how to manage conflict at work. Click on the photo. This was posted for me by Pierre Khawand of People-ontheGo.
by LorraineSegal | Dec 27, 2013
The Light Returns! All our ancestors, from whatever spiritual or religious tradition, had some kind of celebration at this time of year to honor the return of the light. In the far past, they watched the days getting shorter and shorter, the nights longer and longer,...