Bullies, Babies, and the Birth of Empathy

Bullies, Babies, and the Birth of Empathy

  Can babies prevent bullying? The answer may be a resounding “yes.” Bullying has been in the news a lot lately. In my last blog posting, I wrote about recent information from neuroscience about the violent changes in the brain from being bullied, and ended on a...
Bullying Can Cause Lasting Injury…but there is hope.

Bullying Can Cause Lasting Injury…but there is hope.

Brains of people who’ve been bullied. According to a recent article in the Boston Globe, brain scans of teens who have been repeatedly bullied revealed the same changes as those who have been physically or sexually abused. In some individuals, the negative...
Holiday Hot Buttons and How to Cool Them Down

Holiday Hot Buttons and How to Cool Them Down

We all have idealized images of the holiday season–perfect gifts and the warm glow of togetherness. But the real stress of expectations and difficult patterns of interactions with family members (perhaps better loved at a distance) can set off our emotional hot...

Five (Personal) Principles about Healing Conflict

My blog has been a wonderful way for me to reflect on my fundamental beliefs about conflict resolution.  Many times I would write a new entry, and then wonder uneasily if I was repeating myself. I realized that although I offer different stories and contexts, a few...

Expectations, Conflict, and Fruit Smoothies

We see the world not the way it is, but the way we are.—Anonymous How much do our expectations influence our conflicts? Recent studies about appetite and perception at the University of Bristol in Britain offer some thought provoking answers. In two different studies,...
Empathy, Conflict Resolution, and the 4th Dimension

Empathy, Conflict Resolution, and the 4th Dimension

I love reading science fiction, because at its best it offers an imaginative window into our conflicts and possible solutions. In  Factoring Humanity, renowned SF author Robert J. Sawyer explores the power of empathy to transform human relationships. In the book, SETI...

Healing the Trail of Tears, Letting go of Resentment

Resentment of past injustices, particularly when it has endured for generations, is extremely challenging to transform. But with willingness and courage, some individuals and groups have been able to move toward healing. The Maidu Indians of California are one such...
Emergency Self-Compassion for Conflicts

Emergency Self-Compassion for Conflicts

Finding compassion for another person we are in conflict with, understanding their issues, perspective, and struggles are valuable tools in resolving issues. But, offering ourselves emergency self compassion can be equally important in dealing successfully with...

Taking the First Step to Heal Conflict

Faith is taking the first step when you can’t see the whole staircase.–-Martin Luther King Jr. I saw this quote on an entrance sign at a local shopping center, and thought how well it applies to conflict resolution. What does it look like to take the first step to...