Is There an  Elephant in Your Meeting Room?

Is There an Elephant in Your Meeting Room?

Is there an  elephant in your meeting room?  If so, it may be fueling conflict and blocking solutions to problems. You might have heard the term “the elephant in the room”, which refers to a situation or crisis that everyone knows is there but are afraid or reluctant...
Good Leaders Navigate Conflict Skillfully

Good Leaders Navigate Conflict Skillfully

Good leaders navigate conflict skillfully. When I first began coaching managers, team leads, HR professionals and C Suite professionals, my focus was completely on helping them building skills to understand and navigate conflict and improve communication when things...
The Problem of Perfection in Conflict Management

The Problem of Perfection in Conflict Management

The problem of perfection in conflict…How does perfection hurt conflict management at work? “The challenge is not to be perfect; it is to be whole.”—Jane Fonda I read this quote by Jane Fonda recently, and I was struck with how applicable the contrast of...
To Solve a Problem at Work–Ask; Don’t Assume

To Solve a Problem at Work–Ask; Don’t Assume

To solve a problem at work, ask; don’t assume. When you ask and don’t assume you already know the answers, you’re likely to find better solutions to workplace problems. A friend of mine who is an HR professional was facing an uncomfortable situation at work. She...