by LorraineSegal | Apr 16, 2013
I read recently about a beautiful example of forgiveness for a wrong that happened 50 years before. Elwin Wilson had been a white supremacist, and one of the mob who, in 1961, severely beat up Freedom Riders demonstrating for integration and African Americans’...
by LorraineSegal | Mar 13, 2013
Learning how to let go and forgive helped me a lot after two break-ups. Neither of these was with a spouse or romantic partner, but they were deep and difficult and painful nonetheless. One was with a dear friend of several years, and the other was with an...
by LorraineSegal | Feb 4, 2013
Would you like to hear more about my work? In this recent lively video interview between me, Lorraine Segal and Dave Hilton on the Conflict Specialist Show, I discuss my work as a Forgiveness Coach and Conflict Management coach and my approach to working with divorced...
by LorraineSegal | Jan 7, 2013
While parents are divorcing and after they are divorced, they are often overwhelmed by all the changes in their lives. They may be filled with guilt, blame, rage, or grief. Though they, of course, love their children, it may be a huge challenge to manage emotions and...
by LorraineSegal | Nov 13, 2012
We all have idealized images of the holiday season–perfect gifts and the warm glow of togetherness. But the gap between expectations and reality can be huge when parents are recently divorced, and grief, anger, and bitterness can intensify holiday stress. Your...
by LorraineSegal | Aug 6, 2012
I’ll start with a confession. I am utterly addicted to reading novels and have been since I was 9 years old. I am almost never without a novel to read, and when I have free time, I greedily devour more. My favorites include fantasy, science fiction, young adult...
by LorraineSegal | Jul 17, 2012
How can parents stay loving and detached but still listen when challenged by preteens and new teens? My favorite pediatrician, T Berry Brazelton, advises parents of teens who are being challenged or insulted to say calmly, “I’m interested in what you have to say, but...
by LorraineSegal | Jun 26, 2012
The most difficult conflicts in my life have generally come from trying to impose my will on reality, particularly when I’m trying to control other people. When I have expectations of how life should be, how others should communicate and behave, or how events should...
by LorraineSegal | May 8, 2012
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”—Winston Churchill What does it take to sit down and listen to someone we disagree with, instead of dismissing them as the enemy or turning to violence? First we...
by LorraineSegal | Mar 1, 2012
How does building empathy help resolve conflict and create a better world? In a recent lively video dialogue Edwin Rutsch of The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy and I had a broad ranging discussion of this and other topics, including the connections between...