5 Steps to Effective Meetings

5 Steps to Effective Meetings

Making meetings effective and good. Meetings seem to be an inevitable part of life, whether you’re a stay at home mom active in your kid’s PTA, or the team leader of a big corporate project. Unfortunately, not enough people have learned the process and skills for...

Prisoner of a Teen Brain

Is it right to lock up teens forever when their brains are still developing? I read in the newspaper a few days ago that the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled to uphold a life sentence without parole to a teen, Omer Ninham, who murdered a 13 year old when he was 14. In...

From Anger to Open Heart with Teens

You start what seems like a simple conversation with your teen, but before you even know what happened, you’re screaming at each other. How did you get to this horrible place so fast with someone you deeply love? Our feelings are an essential part of communication and...

Culture Clash—-Immigrant Parents and Their Teens

I’ve worked with many parents of teens who feel their children have been suddenly replaced by strangers they neither know nor understand. But when parents are from another country, and their teens are growing up here in the U.S. , these differences are magnified and...

Finding New Solutions for Parent-Teen Conflict

Successful communication and conflict resolution with teenagers can be immensely challenging. When parents find an approach that helped, it is natural to hope it will work again. Unfortunately, as teens change and grow, those old solutions may not be effective any...
Punishing Bullied Teens

Punishing Bullied Teens

Recent research is teaching parents, professionals, and teens a lot more about bullying. The spate of recent suicides (bullycides) has caused more schools to take it seriously and help all of us recognize that bullying is not conflict between two  individuals that can...

Freaky Friday and Building Parent-Teen Empathy

When children become teenagers, parents and teens alike may find the transition difficult and filled with conflict.The movie Freaky Friday offers an example of how empathy and understanding can grow even between a feuding teen and parent. When the movie begins, Jamie...

Interest-based Negotiating for Parents and Teens.

Although it may sound like something only for unions or businesses, interest based negotiating is a cornerstone of improving communication and resolving conflict in personal relationships, including those between parents and teens. When we are in relationship...

Improving Parent-Teen Communication

Any communication between parents and their children can be difficult, but when those children become teenagers, the potential for miscommunication increases greatly. Parents are often bewildered by the sudden changes in their kids. Of course, children are always...