The Importance of Making a Mess at Work

The Importance of Making a Mess at Work

Are you constantly aiming for perfection at work? Well, please let that one go! When we strive to be perfect, we can become paralyzed and miss new ideas that could improve the workplace. I got great inspiration recently for the courage to make mistakes from an article...

Becoming Human at Work

Do we see others at work as human, or do we fit them in a convenient slot based on their professional role or our hasty judgment of them? Assessing people in a sentence is simpler, but deceptive, because we miss a compassionate understanding of the (inevitable)...

Cold Curses, Hot Love, and Managing Workplace Conflict

Two recent unrelated yet curiously parallel scientific studies illuminate strategies we can use to manage workplace conflict. In one study, researchers at Britain’s Keele University asked 64 volunteers to immerse their dominant hand in ice water. Half were...