The Long Path to Immediate Forgiveness

The Long Path to Immediate Forgiveness

photo credit: via photopin (license) I had a short lived fight with my wife, Linda, recently that I actually feel good about, because it shows the positive results of my ( and her) long hard work on forgiveness. The situation: It was Wednesday, when my wife does the...

Moving from the Shadows into the Sunlight

  Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.–Ralph Waldo Emerson We have a choice Perhaps my biggest learning on my own journey to healing and recovery is that I have a choice at any moment, to continue to stand in a...
Five Tips to Let Go and Forgive after a Break-Up

Five Tips to Let Go and Forgive after a Break-Up

Learning how to let go and forgive helped me a lot after two break-ups. Neither of these was with a spouse or romantic partner, but they were deep and difficult and painful nonetheless. One was with a dear friend of several years, and the other was with an...

What are the biggest mistakes divorced parents make?

While parents are divorcing and after they are divorced, they are often overwhelmed by all the changes in their lives. They may be filled with guilt, blame, rage, or grief. Though they, of course, love their children, it may be a huge challenge to manage emotions and...