The HIghly Sensitive Person at Work

The HIghly Sensitive Person at Work

The highly sensitive person I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), one of the estimated 20% of humans on the planet who are HSP. It can be both a gift and a curse and is often misunderstood by loved ones and people at work and even by ourselves. What makes someone a...
Blamespeak and Conflict

Blamespeak and Conflict

Are you using blamespeak in difficult conversations? I heard someone use the term “blamespeak” recently and thought it was a very evocative succinct way to express what happens in many conflicts. Something goes wrong in communication, people feel attacked or...
What is Conflict Transformation?

What is Conflict Transformation?

I heard the term conflict transformation for the first time a few months ago, in a small committee meeting connected to my professional organization. I was completely captivated—I knew it was a better term for what I do and how I approach conflict than any I had heard...
Our Shame Stories and Conflict

Our Shame Stories and Conflict

Our shame stories can fuel conflict. Those of you who’ve been following my blog for a while, know that I often share about the concept of story and its influence on conflict. In my understanding, most of conflict is internal. The biggest part of our conflicts are...