The HIghly Sensitive Person at Work

The HIghly Sensitive Person at Work

The highly sensitive person I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), one of the estimated 20% of humans on the planet who are HSP. It can be both a gift and a curse and is often misunderstood by loved ones and people at work and even by ourselves. What makes someone a...
Blamespeak and Conflict

Blamespeak and Conflict

Are you using blamespeak in difficult conversations? I heard someone use the term “blamespeak” recently and thought it was a very evocative succinct way to express what happens in many conflicts. Something goes wrong in communication, people feel attacked or...
Turn Your Mistakes into Stories

Turn Your Mistakes into Stories

How did you learn to turn your mistakes into stories? This was the thoughtful question Alesia Grace Thompson asked me during my interview on the Great Reads Book Club. Alesia was referring to my memoir, Angels & Earthworms. This was a very rich...
The Problem of Perfection in Conflict Management

The Problem of Perfection in Conflict Management

The problem of perfection in conflict…How does perfection hurt conflict management at work? “The challenge is not to be perfect; it is to be whole.”—Jane Fonda I read this quote by Jane Fonda recently, and I was struck with how applicable the contrast of...
To Solve a Problem at Work–Ask; Don’t Assume

To Solve a Problem at Work–Ask; Don’t Assume

When you ask and don’t assume you already know the answers, you’re likely to find better solutions to workplace problems. A friend of mine who is an HR professional was facing an uncomfortable situation at work. She and other people who worked in the office were still...